Deer Processing Order Form
Please download the 2024-2025 Deer Processing Form and bring a completed copy with your game. Click below to download.
Acworth – 2024-2025 Processing Form
Cartersville, Douglasville, Dallas and Villa Rica – 2024-2025 Processing form
Disclaimer form on the back of the processing form – Disclaimer
2024 – 2025 Deer Prices
Note: All vacuum packed orders are $1.00 a pound extra charge
When are going through the form of how you want it processed we will need to know what type of budget we are working with as we have had instances of sticker shock. We will work only within the confines of this budget and will have your initials to show that you agree on that number.
A Findley’s Butcher Shop cooler will be provided for your kill. Every deer is to be transferred with the hunter present into our cooler to ensure accuracy. Each Findley’s location has a limit on coolers that can be safely stored. Check with your local location about availability.
Georgia Deer
- Process White Tail quartered : Includes Ground Meat, Steaks, Roast and freezer wrapped. $100.00
- Process 4 Quarters 2 hinds 2 shoulders $90.00: Includes Ground Meat, Steaks, Roast, and freezer wrapped
- Process White Tail half : Includes Ground Meat, Steaks, Roast and freezer wrapped. $60.00
- Cubed Steaks: $5 lb
- Jerky Slices: $5 lb
- Stew Meat: $5 lb
Out of State Deer: $2.49 per lb (Minimum fee is the same as Georgia deer as most out of state deer are larger)
4% transaction fee for Credit Cards. Ask about cash savings.
Process Mule Deer & Exotics Depends on the size of game.
- Smoked link sausage (Acworth Only) (Bohemian Garlic, Green Onion, Andouille, Polish, Kielbasa, German, Habañero, Jalapeño, Bratwurst, Knockwurst, Chorizo, Country, Country Hot, Salt and Pepper) $5.99 lb
- Pan Sausage (Mild, Regular, Hot, Maple) $3.99 lb
- Fresh Sausage Linked: Mild and Hot Italian Sausage, Bohemian Garlic, Green Onion, Cajun, Andouille, Polish, Kielbasa, German, Red Hot’s, Bratwurst, Knockwurst, Chorizo, and Jalapeno $4.99 lb.
- Snack Sticks (Acworth Only) $8.99 lb. (green weight) Country, Original, Garlic, BBQ, Andouille, Green Onion, Cajun, Jalapeno, Habañero, Pepperoni, Pepper, Polish, Kielbasa
- Summer Sausage (Acworth Only) $5.99 lb.
- Jalapeño Cheese Summer Sausage (Acworth Only) $6.75 lb
- Smoked leg quarters(Acworth Only) ( Green Weight plus bacon cost) $2.00 lb $3.00 lb Seasoned
- Jalapeño Cheese Smoked Sausage (Acworth Only) $6.75 lb
- Breakfast Sausage: Sage, Maple, Hot $3.99 lb.
You will double your meat when we make your sausage. Sausage is done in 5 pound increments which means you will yield 10 pounds of finished product.
Adding Bacon to your ground meat is market price, and beef fat is $3.50 lb we recommend 20% fat or bacon to ensure tasty moist venison.
There will be a $50.00 non-refundable deposit on all deer via cash or credit card. Thanks and good hunting.
The condition of your meat when delivered to us determines the total yield after being processed. We take every precaution to ensure that each order is kept separate. The meat that you pick up will be your meat. Please make your processing charge worth the expense…Get the most for your money…Take care of your meat. There can be a cleaning fee for really dirty deer. In some instances it takes longer to clean the deer from dirt, hair and debris than the actually processing. This extra time is what is covered by the cleaning fee that can be as little as $10 and as much as $40. Again, please take care of your meat.
Ribs are not something that customers normally drop off and is not on our processing form. We do not advise deboning the ribs as the cost does not merit the yield. Out of standard ribs, once all of the cartilage and hardened fat is removed, there may only be a salad bowl (less than 2lbs) of meat. It is better to cook this just as ribs. If you want us to still process them it is $15 for both or $7.50 for 1.
Please keep in mind that the average deer back straps weigh approximately 5 pounds altogether after being boned and trimmed.
When field dressing your deer, always remember to split the pelvic bone and remove the bladder. You will leave the kill in the cooler for proper separation when dropping off. It is always a good idea to put a bag of ice in the cavity of the deer while transporting your deer from camp to us. Any bloodshot meat is disposed of because we feel that it isn’t edible. When quartering, please remove the Aitch bone (tailbone) and Trachea (wind pipe) to prevent bacteria from the digestive track.
Due to limited freezer space, we ask that all orders be picked up within three (3) days after you receive notification (including voicemail and email notifications) that your order is ready. After the 3rd day, the meat will be considered abandoned and will be sold for the processing fee under the rules and regulations of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Law Enforcement Division. We have signs posted throughout all locations, it is on our disclaimer, processing form and we are also providing a small slip of paper on drop off of the reminder.
A non-refundable deposit will be required on all orders. We accept cash, Visa and MasterCard.
Your patronage is appreciated.